
The history of architecture is rich with signicant examples of formal adjustment in aid of visual correction. The strict geometric and proportional rules underlying drawing were often locally adjusted on site to mitigate naturally occurring perceptual distortions in construction. It can be said that the optical experience of strong architectural form is, and has been, frequently mediated through a corrective distortion, invisible to our own eyes. The aim of this project is to subvert such "corrective distortion" though alternative, intentionally attenuative techniques best described as "correctly distortive". Situated along the historical traces of The Great California Cycleway in the Arroyo Seco, the project employs such techniques to create a new kind of distorted continuity in a landscape otherwise divided.

historic bikeway
anamorphic cube
concept image
correcting for perspective
Campanile: Giotto
arroyo seco: 1900
arroyo seco: 2015
elevation detail
 corrective distortion diagrams and viewing pavilions
 velodrome plans and elevation
 velodrome perspective

Architecture History is rich with examples of formal adjustment in aid of visual correction. The strict geometry of the page adjusts to mitigate perceptual distortions in reality

The aim of this project is to subvert such "corrective distortion" though alternative, intentionally attenuative techniques best described as "correctly distortive".

Situated along the traces of the former Great California Cycleway , the project employs such techniques to create a distorted continuity in a landscape once divided.

Anamorphic Velopath